Sunday, July 11, 2010

Market Day in the City!

I have had one of the best days today. The sun was beaming down on Melbourne as I trekked into the city reasonably early to head to the Melbourne Design Market. Held on the 3rd level of the Fed Square car park, I arrive and there are people everywhere.  Only a small market but highly popular. Lots of my favourite online stores had a stall. Popular due to the market only being held twice a year, July and December. Notemaker, Best in Park, Ute, Design Dispensary, to name a few. Or at least the ones that caught my eye!

butterfly coat rack, Ute Design, $129AUD

Link Placemats, Set of 6, Ute Design, $49.95AUD

Next stop was the MarkIt in the atrium at fed square, coincidentally two markets on at the same time within a stone throw of each other. Gold! This market was ten times more packed to the rafters that the Design Market. Unfortunately I couldn't get to all the stalls as I was not willing to take on all the prams and pushers. My favs were Bride & Wolfe, Bonasera, Lola & Bailey.

There was way too many people here which was a shame, the way they configured the markets was a nightmare. Was worth going, just don't like having to fight for to get a look in. Most of the stalls have a online presence where you can purchase online, which I plan to do.

After this I strolled the long way back to my car via Laurent for coffee and one of their scrummy custard donuts. Then a little shop, shop for me and then made my way back home to the Palace.

Perfect weather, Perfect Day!

Monday, July 5, 2010

I came, I saw, I'm tumbling

Some of my favourite Bloggers have set up Tumblr accounts. The Design Files and Meet me at Mikes, to name a few. I love the archive page, it shows every post, the water falling images are great!

So I have started one. It is taking me a while to work out how this works but slowly I am getting the swing of it.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pictures of You, Pictures by Me.....

Well the weekend has flown, so for today's post I thought I would post a few bits of my work. I love illustration and was wanting to do this when I left Uni, but have gone down a different path which has opened my eyes to a different aspect of design and business (but that is another story). I miss doing my illustrations and I struggle to find the time to do them. These are two that I painted on canvas and now live on the Palace's wall.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Lady O Lovin - Benefit

So how many times have you been trying to kill time, walk through a department store beauty department and get accosted by a sales girl? Well I am a sucker.

Recently a sat down for a "mini makeover" at a Benefit counter. I had never used their product before, I had always assumed that the product was all about the kitsh names and packaging. I have been recently converted and wanted to share my new found make up love.

Benefit Love #1 - Hello Flawless
Hello perfect finish. Light and fluffy powder. 

 Benefit Love #2 - Stay Don't Stray
Great Primer that gives you are perfect base on the eyes.

Benefit Love #3 - Erase Paste
This stuff is magic! It eliminates those dreadful dark circles around the eyes! Brilliant!

So I ended up spending over $200 on make up I didn't need but I have now ditched the old stuff and am madly in love with Benefit.

Benefit is available at most Myer stores.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Amsterdam - Citizen M

Ok, this is a little random, but I went to Amsterdam on my last trip and I drafted this post while I was there. For some reason I didn't post it. So now I am.

I am in Amsterdam for the weekend. On researching on where to stay I came across Citizen M. They have two locations in Amsterdam, the Airport and Amsterdam City. I stayed at the City Hotel. Situated a 10 minute tram ride from the city centre, it is a great boutique hotel.

I arrive to self check-in. All through a nifty touch screen computer. You activate your own room card that also doubles as a luggage tag to use when you leave. Cute and yet a constant reminder of where you stayed everytime you look at your luggage.

The rooms are simple and basic. The Shower and the toilet are in glass cylinders with sliding doors.  You can adjust the mood of the room and the lights change in the shower and toilet cubicles.

The other cute thing about this place is the travel related quotes on the doors.

The lobby is full of lovely modern furniture.

I really enjoyed staying here, lovely and very cool. And most of all it was reasonably priced for a European Hotel. To thumbs up from the Lady,
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