Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year........ A New Start

Well we made it in one piece to 2011 and well I have time to think about the year and what Lady Fable has accomplished. In thinking I have not done what I have promised when it comes to Lady Fable. I wanted to have posted at least once and week, if not more. And I have let the real world and real job, absorb all my lovliness. I have however accomplished my main goal for last year and that was to buy my own place, which in itself is a fairly good achievement.

This year for Lady Fable is about Change and Achievment. so below are my new years resolutions:

  1. TO NOT BE A BAD BLOGGER: Note to Self, if you write another post saying "i have been a bad blogger" due to not posted you might as well delete the blog. This will not happen. Once a week is my aim with the chance of more
  2. TO SHOWCASE LADY FABLES PALACE: My one love that I have actually accomplished last year was to show case my Palace. I will continue to do this and share my inspirations.
  3. This one is a little far fetched but..... To somehow have A MENTION IN REAL LIVING MAGAZINE. Real living is my favourite mag for all things House and home. it says it in the name and i can totally relate to its contents. My aim for 2011 is to some how get a mention in it.
  4. TO CHILLAX: I am a stress head, i worry about everything and how we are going to get it done. This year I want to get my priorities right and learn to be relaxed with myself.... and to realise that when I have nothing to do, it will be ok and just pick up a book and take some time to relax
I could go on forever but this is a big enough list to drive me into the new year with a clean slate, a new attitude and new perspective. There is more to life than work and this is the year that I will understand this.

Happy New Year my small reading group. May you too have realistic goals.

Love Always

Lady Fable
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