Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What one does when their hard drive fails!

I can only explain it in one word....HELL. Three weeks ago the night before a big presentation at work my Mac blue screened. Deep breaths. My mac doctor then informed me the next day that my hard drive had failed. They funny thing is that while my computer was showing me nothing more than a blue screen, I was watching an ep of Sex in the City where Carrie's computer "Sad-Mac-ed" her.

I never realised how much I depend on my computer. I have not been able to blog for nearly a month because of it. I was very lucky that Lady Fable has great friends who let me borrow their computer at night and at work so that I could still execute my real job and stay connected to the social media world at night.

I have survived and my computer has had a lobotomy and now running like a dream. Fingers Crossed.

I am currently sitting in the Qantas lounge at Melbourne, waiting to get on a flight to La. I am flying in the new A380 which is a little exciting!! Six months has flown and i am off for my next trend trip for Summer 11. Very excited. This is the first time I am going without Queen Elizabeth as she is expecting a Prince or Princess.

I hope to post as much as possible while I am away of all the things I discover and experience.

Over and Out
Lady Fable

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