Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lady Loving: 5 Things that rocked my world this week

What a week! I had a nice four day weekend to celebrate my 2nd 30th (Yes, I had more of an issue turning 31 than what I did 30. I had a fantabolous couple of days off. So this week I would like to share with you the great things that I have discovered and experienced, that well rocked my world

1. Days Off

These things are very rare for me and I forget how bloody good they are! To switch off and catch up with the lovely ladies and their munchkins that I never have time to when I am at work. There is nothing quite like a cuddle and a smile from a child for your Birthday!!! I also love taking photos of my friends kids wearing my sunnies (both my brother and I have these pics in our baby albums) This is my new wallpaper so that every time I look at my phone, I smile.

Supermodel in the making!

2. Who is Hue?

As I wondered through the city on Tuesday afternoon, I came across a cute bag boutique Who is Hue. Situated in the ground floor of Melbourne Central it has every type of bag, clutch and wallet. What is even better is that they currently have some stock on sale. I had my eyes on these beauty's.
Bandit in Black on Sale for $199.95

Isaac in Smoke Snake on Sale for $179.95
I already have enough bags so I walked out empty handed, the saver in me told me I didn't need them. But as I am writing this post I have convinced my self I need and Isaac!!

3. August Empress Store

A month ago I undertook Jo Klima's course Your Darling Blog. It was great to just get a handle on the overall design of my site and see what is working and what is not. I have yet to execute what I designed on the page. But while reading through my Google reader the other night I discovered that Jo has started an August Empress digital store where you can buy social buttons, textures and patterns. Perfect for "Pimping" your blog. She is going to be adding more products throughout April, so definitely a store to bookmark.

4. Hot Air Balloon

For my 1st 30th Lord Fable gave me a voucher for a Hot Air Balloon ride with Global Ballooning. We attempted to go in late February but the lovely Melbourne unpredictable, Bi-Polar weather failed us. We finally got to go on Thursday morning! I am some what fascinated but the beautiful balloons as the pass over the city and I was super excited to go up, up and away. Here are some of the pics that I took on my travels.

Rochford Winery Balloon and Sky abstract photo By Lady Fable

The Gorgeous City of Melbourne

The Nova 100 balloon Landing as the sun rises
 5. Miss Fox
As a treat to myself I booked myself into Miss Fox for a Spa manicure on Tuesday for my birthday. The lovely Erin looked after my paws and made them pretty and red. Situated about Scanlan and Theodore in Little Collins street this Day Spa screams Old school Glam. I had only recently heard of Miss Fox but it has been in operation for nearty a year.

I have booked myself and Lady Helen in for a Massage in April. I cant wait!!

So there is my super week in a nutshell. Did you do anything special this week?

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